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Simplex Nodes's primary purpose is to list repeater listings across the world. But we also recognize that simplex nodes are a valid use of the radio spectrum and there are not a lot of opportunities to list nodes on the Web. To this end, has agreed to list simplex nodes in a special section.

A simplex node is any radio system that is connected to a digital Internet modem. This is not the same as a simplex repeater, which records audio from a remote user and replays it on the same frequency to a wider area.

To be listed on, the simplex node must be operational and open for use by all amateurs. No closed or private simplex nodes will be listed. Also, frequent requests for changes to a simplex node on may be cause for removal from the directory. Frequent changes increase the workload of the admins.


You can search for simplex nodes by country at

Simplex nodes also appear in the standard repeater searches.


Simplex nodes are added to RepeaterBook the same way repeaters are. However, RepeaterBook will treat the entry as a simplex node after that. The Details page for a simplex node is customized for that type of entry. Also, Simplex Nodes are edited by the call sign holder and up to one additional designee. RepeaterBook admins are typically not involved in the editing process and edit request forms are not available. However, all registered users can report the operational status of the node.

The most common question we get is how to delete a Simplex Node. This is done by changing the operational status to “archive.” The node will then disappear from search results. If in the future the node may return, the node owner should keep the Details page link so that they can edit the node again and change the operational status to “on-air” and cause the node to reappear.

Node owners must heep their nodes up to date and re-check the node entry at least once every 6 months. RepeaterBook will send an email to all node call signs after five months since the last update. At six months since the last update, the node will automatically be archived.

simplex_node.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/29 10:42 by

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