RepeaterBook User Guide
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<p><b>Amateur Radio's most comprehensive, worldwide, FREE repeater directory.</b></p> Powered by the popular community database of easily find repeaters across the world. <ul> <li>No network connection required.</li> <li>Comprehensive search, selection and sorting.</li> <li>Displays distance, heading and full repeater details.</li> <li>Fast and flexible, to help you use repeaters.</li> <li>Portrait or Landscape views for phone and tablets.</li> <li>Easily submit updates/additions.</li> </ul> <b>Repeater List View</b> <ul> <li>Distance, bearing and details of the nearby repeaters.</li> <li>Current Locator/Grid/Lat Long/Town.</li> <li>Easy selection of location title GRID or Lat,Long and in UK WAB etc, just tap on it to change. </li> <li>Portrait or Landscape views for phone and tablets.</li> </ul>
<b>Repeater Detail View</b> <ul> <li>Distance, bearing and details of the repeater.</li> <li>Portrait or Landscape views for phone and tablets.</li> <li>Submit an update if needed, thanks!</li> </ul>
<b>Menu Icon</b><br><br> Version and build<br> Current location and name<br> Settings<br> About<br> About BlueCAT<br> Connect BlueCAT<br> Add repeater via web page<br> Feedback via Email<br> Privacy Policy <br> <br> <b>Settings Menu</b> <br><br> Theme <ul> <li> Light or Dark</li> </ul> List Text Size <ul> <li>Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge</li> </ul> Details Text Size <ul> <li>Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge</li> </ul> Bearing <ul> <li>Text (East)</li> <li>Short Text (E)</li> <li>Degrees (90°)</li> </ul> Location titles <ul> <li>Grid (IO91VW)</li> <li>Worked All Britain (TL22)</li> <li>Grid Worked All Britain (IO91VW TL22)</li> <li>OS Grid (TL 23266 28071)</li> <li>Lat Long (51.9375 -0.2083)</li> </ul> Distance <ul> <li> Units (Miles or km) </li> </ul> Radio (BlueCAT) <ul> <li>Yaesu FT8x7/FT818, FT100</li> <li>ICOM 7000, 7100, 9100, Generic</li> </ul> <!-- Radio (BlueCAT) <ul> <li>Yaesu FT8x7/FT818</li> <li>Yaesu FT100 (Auto)</li> <li>Yaesu FT100 (Split)</li> <li>ICOM 7000</li> <li>ICOM 7100</li> <li>ICOM 9100</li> <li>ICOM (Generic)</li> </ul> Interface (BlueCAT)<br> --> Auto Connect (BlueCAT) <ul> <li>Connect BlueCAT on startup</li> </ul>
App Info <ul> <li>Name Version Build</li> </ul>
<b>Location Icon</b><br><br> Use Auto or Last searched Location. <br> <br> <b>Filter Icon</b> <br><br> Distance (Max) <ul> <li>10, 25, 50, 100..</li> </ul> Sort by <ul> <li>Distance</li> <li>Frequency</li> <li>Band</li> <li>Tone</li> <li>Call</li> <li>Service</li> <li>Bearing</li> <li>Country</li> <li>Location</li> <li>County (USA)</li> </ul> Band <ul> <li>10m, 6m, 4m, 2m, 1.25m, 70cm, GMRS..</li> </ul> Service <ul> <li>FM, DSTAR, Fusion, DMR..</li> </ul> Emergency Nets<br> <ul> <li>Select only ARES, RACES..</li> </ul> Display Simplex Nodes<br> <ul> <li>Include Simplex Nodes.</li> </ul> <b>Search Icon</b> <ul> <li>No internet needed, fast and reliable.</li> <li>Results from your current or searched location.</li> <li>Results generated as you type.</li> </ul> Search By <ul> <li>Town (Greater than 5k population) - portland</li> <li>Town State - portland tn</li> <li>USA ZIP Code - 90210</li> <li>Repeater Call - GB7SV</li> <li>Repeater Frequency - 433.325</li> <li>Locator - Enter a 4 or 6 figure locator in search box and press search. </li> <li>Latitude Longitude - Enter Latitude Longitude (Locale specific decimal point) in search box and press search. </li> <li>Wildcard - * for "wildcard matches" *ford matches Bedford, Hertford </li> </ul> Search Results <ul> <li>Selecting a town changes your location to show Repeaters near that town. </li> <li>Selecting a repeater displays all the info on the repeater. </li> </ul> Search History <ul> <li>10 search examples are provided.</li> <li>The last 10 searches are saved.</li> </ul> <b>Supported Languages</b><br><br> ca, cs_CZ<br> da,de<br> en, en_GB, en_US, en_AU, en_IE, en_ZA, en_NZ<br> es, es_AR, es_CL<br> fi, fr, fr_CA<br> it_IT<br> nb, no, nl<br> pl, pt<br> se, sv, sk<br> <br> <span style="font-weight: bold; ">© 2011-2021<br> &</span> <!-- Nicolas M1HOG - Lead Mobile Developer Garrett KD6KPC - Web and Data Manager Hams across the world who have made this possible! -->
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repeaterbook/rbuserguide.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/29 11:01 by