- Category: Blog
- Hits: 29
The RepeaterBook team had an incredible time at HamCation 2025, held March 7-9 in Orlando, Florida! Garrett Dow (KD6KPC) and Nicolas Pike (M1HOG) traveled to the event to meet with fellow amateur radio operators, showcase RepeaterBook’s latest features, and make a major announcement that’s set to change the landscape of repeater directories.
Connecting with the Ham Radio CommunityHamCation, one of the largest amateur radio events in the world, provided the perfect platform for us to engage with users, answer questions, and hear feedback directly from the community. Many operators stopped by the RepeaterBook booth to discuss repeater data accuracy, new features, and upcoming enhancements. It was great to connect with so many of you in person, and your insights continue to shape the future of RepeaterBook!
Major Announcement: ARRL Repeater Directory Powered by RepeaterBookThe highlight of the weekend was the official announcement that RepeaterBook will be powering the next ARRL Repeater Directory! This exciting partnership greatly enhances the ARRL’s accuracy of repeater data, surely to be the hobby's most trusted repeater directory with RepeaterBook’s extensive, real-time data.
For decades, the ARRL Repeater Directory has been a go-to resource for amateur radio operators, but with the ever-changing nature of repeater listings, keeping the data up to date has been a challenge. With RepeaterBook at the helm, the next ARRL directory will be more accurate, up-to-date, and user-driven than ever before. Get your copy!
Looking AheadHamCation 2025 was a fantastic success, and we’re incredibly grateful to everyone who stopped by to learn about RepeaterBook Plus, RepeaterBook Connect, and the future of repeater data management. If you didn’t catch us at HamCation, don’t worry—we’ll be at Dayton this year, and you can always stay connected through RepeaterBook.com.
Thank you for your continued support, and stay tuned for even more exciting updates from RepeaterBook!
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 970
DMR has always been challenging to list on RepeaterBook since the talk groups changed a lot, especially when tracking thousands of DMR repeaters. I also find a lot of sysops who don’t want to take the time to use the tools on RepeaterBook to keep the repeaters updated, and I understand that. We are all short on time. I think I have come up with a solution that takes almost no effort.
Law enforcement has the N-DEx system, which is a way to send data in a formatted way to a central database so that other agencies can query and read it. I have developed a straightforward CSV file format on that same principle. If every c-bridge sysop placed this retrievable file somewhere, I could automate a sync script and keep the talk group data on the website up-to-date with the true data. I could run the script once a month, for example. The script would read the data and update all of the repeaters with the current talk group data in less than a second.
Here is the format:
Field Name |
Parameters |
Required |
Max Characters |
Your IPSC name |
Y |
16 |
The repeater’s registered DMR ID on radioid.net. If multiple repeaters use the same ID, then add ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., to end to differentiate. |
Y |
7 |
Talk group ID number. |
Y |
16 |
Local talk group name |
Y |
16 |
F=Full-time, PXX/Y=PTT controlled. Replace XX with the number of timer minutes. Y is the hold-off timer time. S=Scheduled, or Special Case, like for nets/variable timing. |
Y |
16 |
TS |
Time Slot: 1 or 2 |
Y |
1 |
Max 255 characters. |
N |
50 |
PNWDigital,311222,1776,USA,P15/0,2,any needed note to be displayed.
PNWDigital,311222,13,WW English 2,P15/3,
There would be one entry per repeater per talk group.
The filename format is ipsc_tglist_date. For example PNWDigital_tglist_20230112.csv
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 2723
RepeaterBook is delighted to continue its relationship with CHIRP, the most popular free radio programming software in the world. Dan Smith has been busy upgrading the software to a new Python platform and adding new radios and features, such as GMRS support, as part of the CHIRP-Next project. Users can now download GMRS repeater data. RepeaterBook is the only source of GMRS data in CHIRP.
RepeaterBook is continuing its long relationship with CHIRP providing FREE amateur radio repeater data for all CHIRP users around the world utilizing its new API. "First off, use of the main API seems to be going really well...We're also enjoying having access to all the extra attributes, like landmark, city, and the other repeater types," said Dan Smith. The API has allowed for the support of additional radios and modes that the old interface could not provide.
Amateur radio data can be exported from RepeaterBook and imported into the CHIRP app manually, or users can use the CHIRP interface to download amateur radio and GMRS repeater data automatically into the program. RepeaterBook will offer export files from the website for GMRS shortly.
RepeaterBook is a crowd-sourced and local admin-curated database providing the best, free repeater data around the world. RepeaterBook has been serving the civilian radio community since 2006 with a team of over 100 admins all around the world. RepeaterBook also produces a world-class app available on Google Play and the Apple App Store courtesy of M1HOG, Nicolas Pike.
CHIRP users will benefit when the community helps source accurate information to RepeaterBook. If a repeater you know about isn't present, add it to RepeaterBook. If the data needs updating, let us know! All is needed is a valid amateur radio or GMRS call sign to register. Registration and full access to the site are completely free!
Project link: https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/ChirpNextBuild
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 9848
There seem to be three reasons Hams are purchasing IP boxes such as the Shark RF OpenSpot or the DV4 series.
- No DMR repeater in their area
- There are only DMR-MARC repeaters in their area and they want to use BrandMeister
- They’re uncomfortable using the local repeaters
The third reason is the most concerning, and if the trend continues, DMR repeaters could be a short-lived trend.
There are stories from around the country of users and equipment being banned from DMR repeaters ranging from issues with the user’s equipment to a repeater owner demanding low utilization rates of his repeater(s). There are two sides to every story and a reason for every rule. And a consequence.
Digital voice (DV) modes are not new to amateur radio. D-Star has been around for quite some time. Yaesu launched its System Fusion line and saw success getting low-cost repeaters deployed, helping transition Hams from the analog to the digital world. P-25 and NXDN require expensive commercial radios, which is a barrier. None has seen the end-user response that DMR has seen, primarily driven by the arrival of low-cost (cheap) DMR radios arriving from China, potentially to the chagrin of some circles, but with enthusiasm by others. The barrier to enter DMR is very low compared to other digital modes. Some of these radios perform very well compared to the high priced commercial counterparts coming from the likes of Kenwood and Motorola. Though, a few Chinese models can cause significant difficulty on repeaters because they do not correctly manage time slots, and should not be used on repeaters at all.
Now, there are growing pains, and repeater owners are grasping for the right balance of usability and order when managing a system that so easily connects users to the world. Rules are being made, some good and necessary. Some, maybe not so good and suffocating. Some Hams have found themselves publicly shamed or banned from repeaters. If they’re not using a radio that sounds good enough, is not a specific brand, or activate a talk group with too much activity, they are being asked to leave. Forever. There are even repeaters out there that disallow transmitting that you are monitoring. You can only make a call to another specific station: no rag chewing, only short QSOs, only time slot one. No nets. The list of rules from all over the country goes on and on. It seems nobody wants to help out a newbie with lousy audio or someone that can’t figure out how to put together a code plug. There can be a steep learning curve. If you want to listen to a net, buy an IP box.
So, I did. I bought an OpenSpot. And with the OpenSpot, I fell in love with DMR as the world opened to me. I enjoy speaking with Hams from all over the world. What a fantastic system DMR has created. Easy and fun. I make calls now and find folks to talk with all the time. Great people. I made calls on the local repeaters and rarely heard from anyone. I also get less packet loss using the OpenSpot than trying to go through the local repeater. I found a great net that I would not have found otherwise.
The Tennessee TG 3147 Net is an excellent learning net, but there are many out there. I like this net because it contributes to the collective knowledge base of the DMR community and seeks to teach others about how to set up their radios and operate them properly. They also provide guest speakers who speak to the trends in the DMR community. And most of all, they’re friendly. It goes on for a good hour and a half. Some repeater owners would lose their minds counting duty cycles.
Rules that promote good operating practices and promote a better a well-mannered community environment are essential. The unfortunate part of some regulations is that they sometimes go beyond the rules that help encourage good operating practices that we used to call “Elmering.” Instead, they promote exclusivity, classes, and cliques within the community. I often wonder, “if a repeater owner wants his system of repeaters to be quiet, why is it even hooked up to a c-bridge that connects to the rest of the world?” Just cluster them and wall off from everyone else. It’s like building your house along the busy highway for good transportation access but complaining about the traffic.
I agree with the concept of a repeater owner, making any rule he wants to or limiting the use in any way. It’s his house, his rules, and the rules are justifiable. I mentioned the consequences before. For me, I may just not come over to visit anymore, and many more Hams are feeling this way-too many. With my TPLink and the hotspot from my LTE-enabled phone, I don’t even need to buy a mobile radio. Nearly perfect connections every time in my car while commuting or at the office. I have little use for the local repeaters anymore. I call it, “Ruled Out.” Instead of listening to barely used repeaters or fretting about the repercussions of making a mistake on the repeaters, I am actively communicating with others, learning about DMR, making new friends and connections. Love it. I wish nobody felt compelled to buy the OpenSpot for reason number three on my list. I think it’s a shame to disconnect from the locals.
My favorite part of amateur radio has always been the commute to work. I love listening to the old-timers give the traffic and weather reports, especially during weather events. Sometimes, they would touch on topics that I was interested in or I had better information for them. “Break.” That’s how we got to know each other and eventually meet for an “eyeball.” I have no use for repeaters that discourage this practice. I found the repeaters that encourage community are busy gathering spots and were always the first place I went to when I needed information about local emergencies, like earthquakes. Hams are talking about it before the news is. Every time.
I bought an OpenSpot, as many folks are doing. I can dial up whatever talk group I want, talk for as long as I want, listen to whatever I want, and not worry about being outed or shamed for violating the rules of the repeater, rules that go beyond common sense, but rather promote disuse. With the affordability, flexibility, and ease of use of these devices, repeater owners may find their repeaters used less and less. For some, this may be exactly what they want.
Come visit the Repeaterbook bunch on our own talkgroup at 31419. We’d love to hear from you.
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 5975
Ever wonder what drives a guy to create a Web site tracking 30,000 repeaters worldwide and spending a thousand hours a year making it all work? Me, too! But let's take a walk down memory lane and come to understand what Repeaterbook is and where it comes from.
A little about me, Garrett (KD6KPC). I got licensed in 1992 as a no-code tech. Though I have actually passed the code portion of the General exam (back in 1995), I have never taken the theory test. I know I'd pass it, I have done it so many times on the QRZ.com tests! But I never really had an interest in HF. I've been exposed to it plenty. Many Elmers I knew had HF equipment and I got to QSO (3rd Party) with hams all over the world. But it never really thrilled me like going out and working a parade, race, weather net, or any of the other activities that occur down on the repeaters. But I'll go get the upgrade one of these days anyway, because I know some look down on us techs just for being techs, hihi.
I had some early experiences with trying to locate repeaters as a young ham. I did what everyone else did...went out and bought a pocket directory. Being a teenager and being so into electronics and science (I got a perfect score on the science portion of the ACT test because it was all about HF propagation!) I spent a lot of time fiddling with that little HT. I tried every repeater near me in the book. I took the book camping and on week-long trips. I was actually intrigued by the different courtesy tones and amazed by voice IDers (super geek).
Our local ham club, The Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club (AVARC) was the first club I ever joined. Got the name tag and everything. Went to the meetings down at city hall. Talked on the club repeater, the 146.730 repeater on Hauser Peak. Definitely, the best and friendliest repeater covering the valley. I also paid for an autopatch membership on another repeater. This was pre-cell phone and was the coolest thing ever. I could call home and tell them I would be late!
When I could afford it, I bought a mobile radio. I got a Kenwood TM-733a dual bander and have been hooked on Kenwoods ever since. Between my college years, I worked for my uncle in Colorado. I spent countless hours researching repeaters (the Internet still wasn't really a thing in 1996), documenting them, and writing them down so I could program my radio. I used the ARRL book and the ArtsciPub book to locate repeaters. I went to school in Idaho, and I did that research, too. I had spreadsheets in file folders that told me how to program my radio for different trips.
Then I got married and moved to Oregon. My wife is a ham, too! We have radios in all of our cars. Now with the Internet available, you think the world's problems would be solved by being able to get good, reliable data about repeaters and what to use where. This was 2006, I don't think the problem is solved even today.
Here's the problem with repeaters. They can come and go at a moment's notice. They can also be listed through coordination (which is where the ARRL gets their data) but not be on the air anymore. You see, as the owner of a coordinated repeater myself, I know that paying for crystals and tuning the duplexers can be a real pain. Once you get coordination, you want to keep it, even if your repeater is not running. You have every good intention of putting it back online, but time or money just has not permitted it. But if you let the coordination go, someone else can get it and you just compounded the issues trying to get your repeater back up and running again.
Do you know what we call machines that are coordinated but not operating? Paper repeaters. Because they only exist on paper. These really confuse guys who use the directories and see an endless number of repeaters for an area, but only a few work. The reason for this is above. You only want to know about the ones that work, right?
ENTER nwham.com
You know resetting a radio causes it to "forget" all of its memory channels. If you reset your radio, you have to completely start over with programming it. It's nice to have a list of repeaters available that tells you which repeater to program into which memory channel.
I own 11 radios with 2m/440 capability. I like them all to be programmed the same. I always want the Goat Mountain repeater to be in memory channel two on all of my radios. You probably do that, too! But for the two radios in the cars, I want them to also be programmed for my trips to visit my folks in Idaho, my weekend getaways to Seattle, and the Disneyland road trips. Thank you Kenwood, and others, for creating computer programmable radios. I could now create repeater lists for the trips I was taking without destroying my local config. Just upload the config you need for the trip and then upload the "home" version when returning.
I had amassed a wealth of repeater information with Excel from all of my trips. This information helped me decide which repeaters to program. The problem with Excel is that it is only available on a computer running the file. Hey, this was 2006, there was no OneDrive and iCloud back then. To make this visible from anywhere I could get the Internet (also before the iPhone), I needed to put the list up on the Web. nwham.com was born.
Now trust me, I am no computer IT professional. I first learned about computers at 12 when I bought a Commodore 64 and learned Basic programming from the sample program manual it came with. I programmed my paper route subscription list right into that thing. The point is, that I was self-taught. I've never been to a computer class in my life. So how was I going to create a website to list repeaters?
I had dabbled with Microsoft Access at work a little, so I did some research and came across PHP and MySQL. I actually began to learn how to program the website by buying the book, PHP and MySQL for Dummies.
The Web started out with just Oregon, then some Washington, and a little Oregon. That was it. I tried to expand it to be complete for those three states and thought that would be good enough.
The difference with this website was that I wanted to track the repeater's operational status and let you know when the last time the repeater was actually confirmed working. I wanted you to have the details that the locals knew about it. There weren't even ads on the site at that time. Tracking about 1,000 repeaters, I posted them only as a hobby.
Thinking that was good and I was done, I was contacted by James Ewen (VE6AEW), a ham out of Alberta, Canada. I don't know how he found the Web Site, but he did. And he liked the direction it was headed. I remember spending hours on the phone with James (thank goodness my home phone service did not charge long distance to Canada) and coming together on a direction for the site and expanding it into Canada and eastward.
The Philosophy
I want to make it clear to everyone that the repeater directory and app are not business ventures. They are extensions of the amateur radio hobby and is the result of, not only me, buy dozens of other hams who are giving of themselves, for no pay, to improve ham radio. The website does not, and will never charge for the data on the site. This is not to say that we are making a political statement or that anyone else is wrong for doing so. There are plenty of folks making lots of money, in a mutually beneficial way, that contribute a lot to the hobby. I have no problem with that. This is just not the model of Repeaterbook.
The nwham.com Web site was retired in 2011 and replaced with Repeaterbook.com, and the name much fitting for the website, especially as it marched eastward. We picked up local admins along the way and continue to solicit the ham community at large for updates to repeaters. Repeaterbook relies very heavily on user updates to keep the data up-to-date. Local knowledge is king.
Repeaterbook App
The Repeaterbook app came along in 2011, also. This was a fortuante develpment. As much as I would like to program apps, I don't own a MAC and was, therefore, shut out from building an iPhone app. I only owned an iPhone, so that is where I had an interest. But Nicolas Pike, M1HOG, out of England, already had an app, called Repeater, that was displaying repeater data all around the world. He was looking to for a North American partner and I was looking for an app. Voila. An Android and iPhone app are now both available to the masses. The app has been hugely popular. Again, completely free and the data comes right from Repeaterbook.com.
In Conclusion
Just to close out, I wanted to reiterate that Repeaterbook.com is not a corporation. There are ads on the site and they pay the bills. We hope they are not too annoying, but I think you understand. Our goal is simple...share with the masses everything we know about amateur radio repeaters. Being a crowd-sourced movement, we hope you will help contribute information to us. Don't think for a second that you are lining anyone's pockets, working for free, or putting my kids through college. I have a day job. You are simply helping us, and we will help you, give back a little to the hobby that has given us all so much.
So when you search for repeaters in your area and there are some great results, thank the admins and users who came before you and put that info there. Then leave the place a little better than you found it. Post an update. For those areas of the country where the data is a little sparse, please know that we do not raid other directories or pay anyone for data. Yes, there may be repeaters around you that are pretty common knowledge and we should know about them, but we don't. We apologize and hope that you will help us help others.
Thanks for your support!
Garrett, KD6KPC
Owner and creator of Repeaterbook.com