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State Search


The state search allows the searching of multiple parameters within one or multiple states.

State or Province Selection

Required. You can search in one or multiple U.S. or Mexican states, and Canadian provinces. You must select at least one.

Only states or provinces that are selected will be returned. If the repeater resides in at least one of the states or provinces, it will be returned as long as it meets criteria below.

Band or Frequency

Required. You must select at least one frequency band or enter a frequency. If a frequency is entered, then any band selections are ignored.

This is a filtering option, so only repeaters within the selected options above and within the bands or the entered frequency will be returned.

Call Sign

Optional. You may enter a call sign to search for a repeater with that call sign. This is an optional field. This is a filtering option, so only repeaters within the selected options above and with the entered call sign will be returned.


Required. Service refers to the operational mode of the repeater, or added modes such as VOIP. Any combination of services can be selected, but at least one must be chosen.

The query will search for any repeater that contains at least one of the services selected. This is an –OR– statement, so if a repeater supports Yeasu System Fusion but not FM, and you selected FM and Yaesu System Fusion, the repeater record will be returned.


Optional. Features are additional repeater capabilities. These are filters, so only repeaters that meet the criteria above and this criteria will be returned.

Emergency Nets

Optional. These are emergency communications service options and provide additional filtering. Only repeaters that meet the selected criteria and the above criteria will be returned.

Operational Status

All is selected by default. If you only want repeaters that are known to be operational, the list generated from the criteria above will be further filtered to repeaters marked as “on-air.”


Optional. Checking this box will filter out repeaters that are listed as “Private” or “Closed.”

Order Results

The results can be ordered by frequency, state, or the last updated date.


Here is how the query works when considering Boolean parameters:

(states/provinces = state_n OR = state_nn, etc…)


(band = band_n OR = band_nn, etc…)

if the frequency is entered instead:


(frequency = entered frequency)


(callsign = entered callsign) - ignored if no call sign is entered.


(service = service_n OR = service_nn, etc..)


(feature = feature_n OR feature_nn, etc…) - ignored if no option is selected.


(nets = net_n OR net_nn, etc…) - ignore if no option is selected.


(operational status = on-air OR any)


(use = open only) - ignore if option is not selected.

Exports and Maps

Several mapping and exporting options are available for this search. Please refer to the documentation for the desired export for more information.


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