Table of Contents

RB Rewards

RB Rewards (RepeaterBook Rewards) is a loyalty and rewards program for RepeaterBook friends encouraging accurate, frequent, and consistent reporting of repeater information. Friends can receive awards, endorsements, and other prizes.

Friends can receive points within different categories. This can be fun and rewarding.

Some actions work towards awards. Some go towards a leaderboard standing. Some go towards both. How the points are used are explained under each section.

For points earners, a leaderboard displays point earners in varying categories. Friends can use the dashboard to see their points and all awards.






Hunter Awards

Repeater Updates

All repeaters that have not been updated in the previous six months are points eligible.

Age Points
6 - 12 months 1
1 - 1.99 years 2
2 - 2.99 years 3
3 - 3.99 years 4
4 - 4.99 years 5
5+ years 6

Points earners can also receive awards for contributing in at least 10 counties, with endorsements for 25, 50, 75, and 100 counties.

Points earners can receive awards for contributing in at least 5 U.S. States with endorsements for 10, 25, 48, and 50 with an additional endorsement for territories after all 50 states has been reached. Canadians can receive a provincial award when contributing to at least 3 provinces and an award for all Canadian provinces.

An award can be earned for every band a repeater was reported operational.

Operational Reports

On a repeater detail page, friends can contribute an operational status report.

Gatherer Awards

Repeater Addition

Add a new repeater and receive 10 points.

Reviews and Comments

Friends can submit a review or comment on a repeater. A single point can be earned for these reviews. One point per repeater. No additional points can be earned for subsequent reports on the same repeater.

Repeater Record Custodians

Repeater Record Custodians (RRC) receive a profile award.

Activator Awards

Activators are repeater users. The repeater users declare that they have used a particular repeater, confirming that it is operational.

Repeater Activation

Activate a repeater by putting your call sign out there. Report on the repeater's page that you are monitoring.

*This system has not yet been built.

Propagation Reports

Propagation Reports are awarded up to 2 points per repeater daily. Reports must be greater than one nautical mile apart from any other propagation report. An unlimited number of repeaters can be reported on each day.

Special Awards

Special award sessions can be created for temporary contests for certain types of repeaters with bounties on them. For example, hunting repeaters that haven't been updated in over 10 years. Or one for DMR talk groups.