Each area is given an information confidence rating. This rating is based on several parameters.
Percentage of repeaters not updated in the past two years (score 1-10).
Percentage of unknown operational status repeater that have been updated in the past two years (score 1-10).
Accuracy of online coordinating authority repeater database (score 0-10).
Automation of repeater adds and updates from a repeater coordination authority (score 0 or 5).
Coordination member consults local admins (score 0 or 5).
Lists uncoordinated repeaters (score 0 or 1).
Percentage of updates by admin in the last year versus the number of listed repeaters (0-10).
Percentage of updates by non-admins in the last year versus the number of listed repeaters (0-10).
Percentage of Repeater Record Custodians to the number of listed repeaters (0-10).