====== WIRES ====== WIRES (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) is an Internet-based communication system developed for amateur radio operators. WIRES-X utilizes an amateur node station connected to the Internet as an access point, bridging wireless communication with the Internet. WIRES-X supports **C4FM Digital Mode**, enabling high-quality sound and automatic connectivity to nodes and rooms without requiring manual connection IDs or DTMF codes like those used in [[echolink|EchoLink]] and [[IRLP|IRLP]]. Information about nodes and rooms is exchanged via **C4FM Digital signaling**, ensuring seamless and user-friendly operation. With automatic reconnection to the last contact, users only need to press the PTT button to resume communication. Features of WIRES-X include: - **Node and Room Search**: Easily search for new nodes and rooms to quickly initiate communication. - **News Bulletins**: Messages, images, and voice memos can be uploaded to nodes and rooms for others to download. For example, traffic updates, local news, or snapshots of meeting locations can be shared with fellow operators. - **Analog FM Support**: WIRES-X allows traditional analog FM users to communicate with each other, as well as with **C4FM Digital stations**, enabling cross-mode communication. ===== WIRES on RepeaterBook ===== Repeaters equipped with WIRES-X or WIRES-II can be identified on RepeaterBook by entering the node number. While WIRES operates an [[https://www.yaesu.com/jp/en/wires-x/id/active_node.php|active node list]], it does not provide real-time data on the current connection status of nodes. As a result, RepeaterBook only lists the node ID without additional connection details. ==== Related Links ==== * [[https://www.repeaterbook.com/repeaters/niche/index.php?mode=WIRES|RepeaterBook WIRES Directory]] * [[https://www.yaesu.com/jp/en/wires-x/user/index.php|WIRES-X User Page]]