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honey pot Confidence Rating

Area Confidence Rating

This page shows a rating of the accuracy confidence for the repeaters in Oklahoma.

CategoryRaw ScoreScore
Admin assigned 10 10 of 10
% of repeaters not reviewed in the past 2 years 0.00% 10 of 10
% of unknown operational status repeaters versus actively listed repeaters 0.82% 10 of 10
% of updates by admin in the last two years versus the number of listed repeaters 218.68% 10 of 10
% of updates by non-admins in the last two years versus the number of listed repeaters 142.86% 10 of 10
% of Repeater Record Custodians to the number of listed repeaters 32.14% 5 of 10
Total Score 55 of 60
Grade 0.92 = A

The highest possible score with the current stats is 60.

What these categories mean and how they are scored

Has an admin assigned to the area (score 0-10).
If the area has a primary admin assigned, then 10 points are awarded. If only a secondary admin is assigned, then 5 points are awarded. The maximum score is 10 points. This score can be improved if a local admin is added to the area.

Percentage of actively listed repeaters not reviewed in the past two years (score 1-10).
The total numbers of repeaters versus the number of repeaters that have not been reviewed in the last two years. This is a measure of how active the area is with keeping all records in the area up-to-date. The raw score can range from 0% - 100% and is converted to a score by moving the decimal place one position to the left (divide by 10) and rounding the result. This score can be improved by re-checking all repeaters that have not been reviewed in the past two years.

Percentage of unknown operational status repeater that have been reviewed in the past two years (score 1-10).
The total number of actively listed repeaters with an unknown operational status. This is a measure of how active the area is with researching the operational status of repeaters. The raw score can range from 0% - 100% and is converted to a score by moving the decimal place one position to the left (divide by 10) and rounding the result. This score can be improved by checking on the operational status of all repeaters with an "unknown" operational status.

Percentage of updates by admin in the last two years versus the number of listed repeaters (0-10).
This is the number of updates performed by the admin(s) in the area versus the total number of repeaters. It is possible to complete more updates that there are repeaters. The score can range from 0% - 100% and is converted to a score by moving the decimal place one position to the left (divide by 10) and rounding the result. The score cannot be greater than 10. This score can be improved by the admins completing more self-initiated repeater updates.

Percentage of updates by non-admins in the last two years versus the number of listed repeaters (0-10).
This is the number of updates performed by users (not admins) in the area versus the total number of repeaters. It is possible to complete more updates that there are repeaters. The score can range from 0% - 100% and is converted to a score by moving the decimal place one position to the left (divide by 10) and rounding the result. The score cannot be greater than 10. This score can be improved by increased user-participation.

Percentage of Repeater Record Custodians to the number of listed repeaters (0-10).
This is the total number of repeaters versus the number of repeaters that have a registered Repeater Record Custodian (RRC). RRC's tend to be more active with keeping their records updated and accurate. The raw score can range from 0% - 100%. That decimal place is then moved one place to the left (divide by 10) and the score rounded. This score can be improved by signing up more authorized persons to be Repeater Record Custodians.