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honey pot Bellingham, Lookout Mtn, Washington, 146.5, WA7DMR Simplex Node

Lookout Mtn - WA7DMR

Bellingham, WA
Repeater ID: 53-16762

Downlink: 146.50000
Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
DMR Enabled
Color Code: 1
DMR ID: radio id dot net antenna logo 315347
Talkgroups: IPSC Network: PNW - Color Code: 1 - TS Linked: TS1 TS2 - Trustee: radio id dot net antenna logoAF7PR
Assignment TS TG Access Note
BC 1 1 3027 PTT 30 minutes
California 1 1 3106 PTT 15 minutes
Cascades 1 1 3191 PTT 15 minutes
I-5 1 1 3168 Full-Time
Idaho 1 1 3116 PTT 15 minutes
Local 1 1 3181 Full-Time
Oregon 1 1 3141 PTT 15 minutes
Parrot 1 1 9998 PTT 1 minutes
PNW 1 1 3187 Full-Time
Washington 1 1 3153 Full-Time
Audio Test 2 2 9999 PTT 2 minutes
Canada 2 2 302 Full-Time
Metro 2 2 3166 Full-Time
Montana 2 2 3130 PTT 15 minutes
N.America 2 2 3163 PTT 15 minutes
Net 2 2 31002
PNW 2 2 103187 Full-Time
PNW Rgnl 2 2 31771 Full-Time
TAC 1-2 2 8951 PTT 15 minutes
TAC 2-2 2 8952 PTT 5 minutes
TAC 3-2 2 8953 PTT 5 minutes
TAC 310-2 2 310 PTT 5 minutes
TAC 311-2 2 311 PTT 5 minutes
TAC 312-2 2 312 PTT 15 minutes
USA 2 2 1776 PTT 15 minutes
Washington 2 2 103153 Full-Time
IPSC: PNWDigital
County: Whatcom
Grid: CN88tq
Call: WA7DMR
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Seattle to North of Vancouver BC
50 mi radius.
Sponsor: PNW Digital
Nets: PNW Regional Net, Wed, 1900 local, TG: PNW Regional, 31771, TS 2
Web links: Talk Groups:

Open Street Map

Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.

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Call Date Details
NO7RF (registered) 2024-01-15 Rptr details updated for new TG file

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