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Minnesota Amateur Radio Repeaters

Minnesota Amateur Radio Repeaters Needing Re-Verification

16 repeaters found in Minnesota

Report type: Unknown Status - All Repeater

The operational status of the repeaters below is not known. We need to verify if these repeaters are actually on the air. Testing a repeater is a good starting point, however, the access information (i.e., CTCSS tone) could be missing or incorrect, so that method does not always work. Click the appropriate button below to report the repeater's status.

= On-Air      = Off-Air      = Testing/Reduced      = Unknown

Click on the frequency for additional details.
Click on a header to sort. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports!

Frequency Offset Access Location County Call Use Modes Last Review
53.1300 -0.5 MHz 103.5 Duluth St Louis KB0QYC OPEN FM 2019-04-19 Unknown status
53.1500 -0.5 MHz 103.5 Virginia St Louis KB0QYC OPEN FM 2019-04-19 Unknown status
146.8200 -0.6 MHz Fergus Falls Otter Tail N0RJO OPEN FM 2023-04-09 Unknown status
147.2550 +0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Windom Cottonwood W0DRK OPEN FM 2020-07-12 Unknown status
224.0800 -1.6 MHz 225.7 Dalton Otter Tail N0VCE OPEN FM 2024-04-15 Unknown status
224.5200 +1.6 MHz St Peter Nicollet N0KP OPEN FM 2018-12-11 Unknown status
421.2500 +18 MHz Wabasha Wabasha WA0UNB OPEN ATV 2012-10-29 Unknown status
442.8000 +5 MHz Duluth St Louis KB0QYC OPEN FM 2012-12-15 Unknown status
443.6500 +5 MHz 85.4 / 85.4 Avon Stearns KG0CV OPEN FM Fusion WIRES-X 2020-11-09 Unknown status
444.1000 +5 MHz Duluth St Louis W0GKP OPEN FM 2012-10-10 Unknown status
444.2000 +5 MHz 103.5 Duluth St Louis KC0RTX OPEN FM 2012-10-05 Unknown status
910.2500 -25 MHz New Brighton Ramsey N0MNB OPEN ATV 2014-02-28 Unknown status
927.4875 -25 MHz 103.5 Duluth Douglas KB0QYC OPEN FM 2012-12-15 Unknown status
927.6000 -25 MHz 114.8 Duluth St Louis KB0QYC OPEN FM 2012-12-15 Unknown status
1253.2500 -20 MHz New Brighton Ramsey N0MNB OPEN FM 2019-04-19 Unknown status
1285.0000 -20 MHz Maplewood Ramsey W0MR OPEN FM 2014-03-19 Unknown status

The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for Minnesota: KC0WKP, KC9NVV

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Created and owned by Garrett Dow, KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
All data, including non-copyrightable data, is protected from theft under Oregon law (ORS 164.377).