(1 of 11) ...A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION IS EXPECTED FOR INLAND ORANGE COUNTY, THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, INLAND EMPIRE, AND SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAIN FOOTHILLS FROM 7 AM TO 1 PM WEDNESDAY. A PERIOD OF WIDESPREAD, STRONG WINDS ACCOMPANIED BY VERY DRY AIR AND CRITICALLY DRY FUELS WILL RESULT IN DANGEROUS FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS. ANY NEW FIRE IGNITION IN THESE AREAS WILL LIKELY HAVE VERY DANGEROUS WILDFIRE SPREAD AND BEHAVIOR WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY IN CONTAINMENT THAT COULD IMPACT LIFE AND PROPERTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MOUNTAINS, THE INLAND EMPIRE, SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, AND INLAND ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR LATE THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR COASTAL ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR SAN DIEGO AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY MOUNTAINS, SAN DIEGO VALLEYS, AND THE SAN GORGONIO PASS... * WINDS...Northeast 30 to 40 mph with gusts 55 to 65 mph. Strongest winds will occur late tonight into Wednesday morning. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...12 to 15 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. Winds could damage outdoor property and will make for difficult driving conditions. * LOCATION...Orange County Coastal Areas. (2 of 11) ...A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION IS EXPECTED FOR INLAND ORANGE COUNTY, THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, INLAND EMPIRE, AND SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAIN FOOTHILLS FROM 7 AM TO 1 PM WEDNESDAY. A PERIOD OF WIDESPREAD, STRONG WINDS ACCOMPANIED BY VERY DRY AIR AND CRITICALLY DRY FUELS WILL RESULT IN DANGEROUS FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS. ANY NEW FIRE IGNITION IN THESE AREAS WILL LIKELY HAVE VERY DANGEROUS WILDFIRE SPREAD AND BEHAVIOR WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY IN CONTAINMENT THAT COULD IMPACT LIFE AND PROPERTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MOUNTAINS, THE INLAND EMPIRE, SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, AND INLAND ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR LATE THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR COASTAL ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR SAN DIEGO AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY MOUNTAINS, SAN DIEGO VALLEYS, AND THE SAN GORGONIO PASS... * WINDS...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts 45 to 55 mph in eastern portions of the San Diego valleys, strongest winds will be near the foothills of the San Diego mountains. Northeast winds 30 to 50 mph with gusts 65 to 75 mph on the coastal slopes of the San Diego and Riverside County mountains. Winds will weaken Wednesday afternoon, but remain elevated with gusts 35 to 55 mph into Thursday, strongest on the foothills of the mountains. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Lowest daytime humidity of 10 to 20 percent Wednesday. Lowest daytime relative humidity on Thursday will be 10 to 15 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. Winds could damage outdoor property and will make for difficult driving conditions. * LOCATION...San Diego County Inland Valleys, Riverside County Mountains-Including The San Jacinto Ranger District Of The San Bernardino National Forest and San Diego County Mountains- Including The Palomar And Descanso Ranger Districts of the Cleveland National Forest. (3 of 11) ...A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION IS EXPECTED FOR INLAND ORANGE COUNTY, THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, INLAND EMPIRE, AND SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAIN FOOTHILLS FROM 7 AM TO 1 PM WEDNESDAY. A PERIOD OF WIDESPREAD, STRONG WINDS ACCOMPANIED BY VERY DRY AIR AND CRITICALLY DRY FUELS WILL RESULT IN DANGEROUS FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS. ANY NEW FIRE IGNITION IN THESE AREAS WILL LIKELY HAVE VERY DANGEROUS WILDFIRE SPREAD AND BEHAVIOR WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY IN CONTAINMENT THAT COULD IMPACT LIFE AND PROPERTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MOUNTAINS, THE INLAND EMPIRE, SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, AND INLAND ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR LATE THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR COASTAL ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR SAN DIEGO AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY MOUNTAINS, SAN DIEGO VALLEYS, AND THE SAN GORGONIO PASS... * WINDS...Northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph in Orange County east of Interstate 405. Gusts up to 60 mph near the foothills of the Santa Ana mountains. Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts 60 to 70 mph in the Santa Ana mountains, locally up to 75 mph in wind prone locations. Strongest winds will occur below passes and canyons. Strongest winds and driest conditions will occur on Wednesday. Winds will weaken Wednesday afternoon, but remain elevated with gusts 40 to 50 mph into Thursday, strongest in the Santa Ana mountains. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Lowest daytime humidity of 10 to 15 percent today and 10 to 15 percent on Wednesday with a poor recovery to 20 to 30 percent tonight. Minimum relative humidity on Thursday will be 12 to 18 percent, lowest in the Santa Ana mountains. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. Winds could damage outdoor property and will make for difficult driving conditions. * LOCATION...Santa Ana Mountains-Including The Trabuco Ranger District of the Cleveland National Forest and Orange County Inland Areas. (4 of 11) ...A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION IS EXPECTED FOR INLAND ORANGE COUNTY, THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, INLAND EMPIRE, AND SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAIN FOOTHILLS FROM 7 AM TO 1 PM WEDNESDAY. A PERIOD OF WIDESPREAD, STRONG WINDS ACCOMPANIED BY VERY DRY AIR AND CRITICALLY DRY FUELS WILL RESULT IN DANGEROUS FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS. ANY NEW FIRE IGNITION IN THESE AREAS WILL LIKELY HAVE VERY DANGEROUS WILDFIRE SPREAD AND BEHAVIOR WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY IN CONTAINMENT THAT COULD IMPACT LIFE AND PROPERTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MOUNTAINS, THE INLAND EMPIRE, SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, AND INLAND ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR LATE THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR COASTAL ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR SAN DIEGO AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY MOUNTAINS, SAN DIEGO VALLEYS, AND THE SAN GORGONIO PASS... * WINDS...Northeast 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph. Strongest winds will occur into the Inland Empire. Winds not as strong on Thursday with gusts of 40 to 50 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Lowest daytime humidity of 8 to 15 percent on Wednesday. Minimum relative humidity on Thursday will be 10 to 15 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. Winds could damage outdoor property and will make for difficult driving conditions. * LOCATION...San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning. (5 of 11) ...A PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION IS EXPECTED FOR INLAND ORANGE COUNTY, THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, INLAND EMPIRE, AND SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAIN FOOTHILLS FROM 7 AM TO 1 PM WEDNESDAY. A PERIOD OF WIDESPREAD, STRONG WINDS ACCOMPANIED BY VERY DRY AIR AND CRITICALLY DRY FUELS WILL RESULT IN DANGEROUS FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS. ANY NEW FIRE IGNITION IN THESE AREAS WILL LIKELY HAVE VERY DANGEROUS WILDFIRE SPREAD AND BEHAVIOR WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY IN CONTAINMENT THAT COULD IMPACT LIFE AND PROPERTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MOUNTAINS, THE INLAND EMPIRE, SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS, AND INLAND ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR LATE THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH WEDNESDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR COASTAL ORANGE COUNTY... ...A RED FLAG WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGH THURSDAY DUE TO STRONG SANTA ANA WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR SAN DIEGO AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY MOUNTAINS, SAN DIEGO VALLEYS, AND THE SAN GORGONIO PASS... * WINDS...Northeast winds 20 to 40 mph with gusts 50 to 60 mph in the Inland Empire, strongest below the Cajon Pass. Northeast winds 30 to 50 mph with gusts up to 75 mph on the coastal slopes of the San Bernardino County mountains. Strongest winds and driest conditions will occur on Wednesday. Winds will weaken Wednesday afternoon, but remain elevated with gusts of 40 to 50 mph into Thursday, strongest on the mountain foothills and near the Cajon Pass. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Lowest daytime humidity of 15 to 20 percent today and 10 to 15 percent on Wednesday with a poor recovery to 20 to 30 percent on Tuesday night. Minimum relative humidity Thursday will be 10 to 15 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. Winds could damage outdoor property and will make for difficult driving conditions. * LOCATION...San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys -The Inland Empire and San Bernardino County Mountains-Including The Mountain Top And Front Country Ranger Districts Of The San Bernardino National Forest. (6 of 11) * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 65 mph expected. * WHERE...San Diego County Coastal Areas. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 2 PM PST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. (7 of 11) * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph expected. * WHERE...Orange County Coastal Areas. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 2 PM PST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. (8 of 11) * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 6 PM PST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. (9 of 11) * WHAT...Northeast winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph expected. Isolated gusts to 75 mph. * WHERE...Riverside County Mountains, San Diego County Mountains, and San Diego County Valleys. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 6 PM PST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. (10 of 11) * WHAT...Northeast winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 75 mph expected. * WHERE...Orange County Inland Areas and Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills. * WHEN...Until 6 PM PST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. (11 of 11) * WHAT...North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 70 mph expected. Isolated gusts to 80 mph near and below the Cajon Pass. * WHERE...San Bernardino County Mountains and San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys-The Inland Empire. * WHEN...Until 6 PM PST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.
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honey pot Santa Cruz, California, 443.475, WB6PHE Repeater

Santa Cruz, CA

Repeater ID: 06-2618

Downlink: 443.47500
Uplink: 448.47500
Offset: +5.000 MHz
Uplink Tone: 127.3
County: Santa Cruz
Call: WB6PHE
On-air: Unknown status Unknown
Sponsor: <a href="http://www.qsl.net/wb6phe/">WB6PHE Rptr Grp</a>
Features: E-power, linked.
Emergency power equipped.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz (wideband)
Coordination: NARCC
Last updated: 0000-00-00
Last reviewed:

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