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honey pot Tome, Valencia Middle School, New Mexico, 443.425, KJ5DZQ Repeater

Valencia Middle School - KJ5DZQ

Tome, NM
Repeater ID: 35-22716

Downlink: 443.42500
Uplink: 448.42500
Offset: +5.000 MHz
YSF Digital Enabled
DG-ID: 00 - Open
County: Valencia
Call: KJ5DZQ
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: 25 mi radius.
Sponsor: Valencia Middle School
Affiliate: Valencia County Amateur Radio Association

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Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have been estimated.

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Call Date Details
KE5ZBG (registered) 2024-09-12 updated coverage
KI5MFF (registered) 2024-07-21 Added.

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