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honey pot Oshkosh, EAA Grounds, Wisconsin, 145.345, WB9SLI Repeater

EAA Grounds - WB9SLI

Oshkosh, WI
Repeater ID: 55-22712

Downlink: 145.34500
Uplink: 144.74500
Offset: -0.600 MHz
D-STAR Enabled
Node: WB9SLI (C) Gateway Repeater
Sources: jfindu lookup / dstar-users lookup
County: Winnebago
Grid: EN53RX
Call: WB9SLI
Op Status: OFF-AIR Off-Air
Sponsor: EAA
Affiliate: Wisconsin Digital Network
Links: Full-time internet linked to the Wisconsin Digital Network System.
Notes: ***OFF AIR While moving to new tower location - Repeater automatically relinks to REF019B after 30min. XREF are available.

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