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honey pot Biloxi, Mississippi, 444.9625, KD4VVZ Repeater

Biloxi, MS

Repeater ID: 28-22706 registered user

Downlink: 444.96250
Uplink: 449.96250
Offset: +5.000 MHz
DMR Enabled
Color Code: 1
DMR ID: radio id dot net antenna logo 314309
IPSC Network: DMR-SE C Bridge - Color Code: 1 - TS Linked: TS1 TS2 - Trustee: radio id dot net antenna logo KD4VVZ
IPSC Network:DMR-SE C Bridge - Color Code:1 - Assigned:Master - TS Linked:TS1 TS2 - Operator:KD4VVZ
Time Slot # 1 - Group Call 314309 = Biloxi Local
Time Slot # 2 - Group Call 312801 = Lucedale

Last Update: 2024-08-28 06:06:14
*Information courtesy of Repeater trustees can directly update this data through their website.
County: Harrison
Grid: EM50aa
Call: KD4VVZ
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: 30 mi radius.
Sponsor: Tim N5UDK, Scot NI5I, General KD4VVZ
Notes: Network: DMR-SE C-Bridge Repeater Callsign: KD4VVZ Repeater City: Biloxi Repeater State: Mississippi Repeater Frequency: 444.9625 Repeater ColorCode: 1 Repeater Offset: +5.000 Repeater Time Slots: TS1 TS2 Static (Full Time Talkgroups) TS 1 - TG 3128 = MS Statewide TS 1 - TG 314309 = Biloxi Local TS 2 - TG 312801 = Lucedale Local TS 2 - TG 9 = Local 9-2 (Local Only) TS 2 - TG 31280 = MS Tac Dynamic Talkgroup on TS 1 (PTT Activated - 10 Min Timer) TG 3 = North America TG 13 = Worldwide English (DMR-MARC) TG 91 = Worldwide BM TG 93 = North America BM TG 310 = TAC-310 BM TG 311 = TAC-311 BM TG 312 = TAC-312 BM TG 3100 = USA Calling BM TG 3101 = AL Statewide TG 3112 = FL Statewide TG 3122 = LA Statewide TG 3148 = TX Statewide TG 3174 = SE Region TG 8951 = TAC-1 (C-Bridge) TG 9998 = Parrot (Audio Test) TG 13174 = SE Region BM TG 31010 = Alabama Link Dynamic Talkgroup on TS 2 (PTT Activated - 10 Min Timer) TG 3199 = US Hurricane Net BM TG 31121 = First Coast TG 31285 = NE Mississippi TG 311307 = Kingsland Net TG 311552 = Laurel MS Local TG 314128 = Wiggins MS Local Contact: General Dailey - KD4VVZ Email: [email protected]

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Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.

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Call Date Details
KD4VVZ (registered) 2024-07-21 Added ARES
KD4VVZ (registered) 2024-07-17 The county changed to Harrison. The coordinates were changed. Sponsor added. DMR info changed to 1 1. Email updated.
KD4VVZ (registered) 2024-07-12 Propagation Report Added
KD4VVZ (registered) 2024-07-09 Added.

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