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South Dakota Amateur Radio Repeaters

South Dakota Amateur Radio Repeaters

42 repeaters found in South Dakota.

= On-Air      = Off-Air      = Testing/Reduced      = Unknown

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Access Location County Call Use Modes
144.1500 x D051 Miller Hand WV8CW OPEN AllStar EchoLink Fusion ON-AIR
145.3500 - 146.2 Pierre Hughes W0PIR OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.5050 x 146.2 Mobridge Walworth N3NTV OPEN EchoLink ON-AIR
145.5100 x 146.2 Salem McCook W0SD OPEN IRLP ON-AIR
146.4750 x 146.2 Hot Springs Fall River W0FUI OPEN IRLP ON-AIR
146.5400 x 146.2 Pierre Hughes KD0S OPEN FM IRLP OFF-AIR
146.5600 x 67.0 Fairview Lincoln N0JPE OPEN IRLP ON-AIR
146.5650 x 146.2 Pierre Hughes KD0S OPEN IRLP OFF-AIR
146.6400 - 146.2 Mitchell Davison W0ZSJ OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.6700 - 146.2 / 146.2 Clear Lake Deuel KE0WPC OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7000 - 146.2 Hot Springs, Battle Mtn Fall River K0HS OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7300 - 146.2 Pierre Hughes KD0S OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7600 - 146.2 / 146.2 Lead, Terry Peak Lawrence KC0BXH OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7750 - 146.2 Toronto Deuel KC0OVC OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7900 - 146.2 Crandall, Crandall Hill Day N0AHL OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8500 - 146.2 Custer, Bear Mtn Custer KC0BXH OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8500 - CSQ / 67.0 Watertown Codington W0WTN OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8500 - 146.2 Yankton, Avera Hospital Yankton W0OJY OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8800 - Sisseton Roberts W0WM OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8950 - 146.2 Sioux Falls Minnehaha W0ZWY OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.9100 - Aberdeen Brown W0ABR OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.9400 - 110.9 Brookings Brookings W0BXO OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
146.9400 - 146.2 Rapid City Pennington W0BLK OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.9400 - 146.2 Reliance Lyman N0NPO OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.9850 - 146.2 Flandreau Moody K0TGA OPEN FM OFF-AIR
147.0300 + 146.2 Bath Brown WB0TPF OPEN FM IRLP ON-AIR
147.0300 + 146.2 Lead, Terry Peak Lawrence WB0JEK OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.0900 + 146.2 / 146.2 Custer Custer WN6QJN OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.0900 + Huron Beadle K0OH OPEN FM OFF-AIR
147.1200 + 146.2 Bowdle Edmunds N0AHL OPEN FM IRLP ON-AIR
147.1200 + 146.2 / 146.2 Custer, Mt Coolidge Custer K0HS OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.1500 + 146.2 / 146.2 Custer, Jewel Cave NP Custer K0HS OPEN FM Fusion WIRES-X ON-AIR
147.1500 + 146.2 Redfield Spink WD0BIA OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2100 + 146.2 Springfield, Norwegian Hill Bon Homme W0OJY OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2400 + 141.3 Beresford Union KA0VHV OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.3000 + 146.2 Murdo Jones AA0CT OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.3300 + 146.2 Pierpont Day KC0MYX OPEN FM IRLP ON-AIR
147.3450 + 146.2 Wessington Springs Jerauld KB0UZJ OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.3750 + 146.2 Philip Haakon N0OMP OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.3750 + 146.2 Vermillion, Cement Plant Clay W0OJY OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.5700 x 146.2 Rapid City Pennington WA0MFZ OPEN IRLP OFF-AIR
223.8600 - 146.2 Sioux Falls, Menlo Park Minnehaha W0FSD OPEN FM ON-AIR

The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for South Dakota: KB0KBJ, KE0WPC

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Created and owned by Garrett Dow, KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
All data, including non-copyrightable data, is protected from theft under Oregon law (ORS 164.377).