Do you want to use without ads?

In order to run a website like, revenue is needed to keep it active on the web. There are bills to be paid, hosting companies to be paid, SSL certificates to be purchased, and other expenses that go along with the research and development of the data. The costs add up.

Repeaterbook has committed to keeping access to its data completely free. Since we don't charge for the data or access to the site, we decided to incorporate ads into the site. The ads generate revenue that has been sufficient to pay the bills (most months). With the advent of ad-blocking technology, we began to see ad revenue slip. We get it. Many people don't want to see ads and our stats indicate that up to 30% of our site visitors are using some sort of an ad blocker. Some say the performance on the site has even suffered waiting for ads to load. And come are concerned about Internet tracking through the ads (yes, Google does it).

We think we have found a solution to meet in the middle.

You can now subscribe to Repeaterbook and obtain a membership that will silence the ads on Repeaterbook. This form of obtaining revenue while quieting ads is used on

So now we have two option to fit your preference:

  1. Enjoy Repeaterbook completely free, while enduring the ads that appear.
  2. Sign up for a Repeaterbook subscription and silence the ads.

To take advantage of this offer, you must be a registered user in good standing.

Take a look at our Subscription Plans.