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honey pot Rehoboth, Pine Street, Massachusetts, 462.575, WQQQ874 Repeater

Pine Street - WQQQ874

Rehoboth, MA

GMRS Repeater ID: 25-99 registered user

Downlink: 462.575
Uplink: 467.575
Uplink Tone: LOG IN TO VIEW
County: Bristol
Owner: WQQQ874
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Repeater covers most of southeastern Massachusetts and most of Rhode Island.
Sponsor: WQQQ874, WQBI410, WPZE213, and WQPF749
Notes: The repeater is located in Rehoboth, Massachusetts and is a closed private system and not for use by general GMRS community. The repeater has been on the air since 2017 from its current site. This repeater does not participate in any emergency net or other services. Permissions to this repeater are only being granted for friends and family of the trustees. Request for access to this repeater MUST be sought and granted prior to using the repeater. Inquiries should be emailed to repeatertrustees at

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Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
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