(1 of 7) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Indiana... Youngs Creek at Amity. .Multiple rounds of rainfall this week totaling 2 to 4 inches over central Johnson County produced enough runoff to bring minor flooding to Youngs Creek at Amity...which is forecast to continue through the weekend while slowly falling. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Youngs Creek at Amity. * WHEN...Until early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...At 9.0 feet, Johnson County Roads 350 S and 400 S west of US 31 are closed by flood waters. Upstream in Youngs Creek watershed, flooding of city of Franklin parks with flood waters possibly 3 feet deep in some areas. CR 200 N at CR 75 W on northwest side of Franklin and CR 250 S west of US 31 closed by high water. Amity ditch is out of its banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 11:15 PM EDT Friday the stage was 8.6 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 11:15 PM EDT Friday was 8.9 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage tomorrow evening and continue falling and remain below flood stage. - Flood stage is 7.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (2 of 7) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Indiana... East Fork White River at Seymour. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... White River at Spencer. White River at Newberry. White River at Edwardsport. White River at Elliston. White River at Petersburg. .Multiple rounds of rainfall this week have produced enough runoff to bring minor flooding to some spots along area rivers, including Seymour on the East Fork White and Montezuma on the Wabash. Flooding on the Wabash and East Fork White is expected to be relatively short-lived this weekend, but additional flooding could develop next week with more rounds of rain possible. People with interests along area rivers should monitor updated forecasts and warnings. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Spencer. * WHEN...Until late tomorrow evening. * IMPACTS...At 15.5 feet, Gosport Road, also known as County Line Road in Owen County, begins to flood on north side of river. Romona Road west of Gosport begins to flood. Flooding of low agricultural land is noticeable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:30 PM EDT Friday the stage was 14.7 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:30 PM EDT Friday was 14.7 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 14.8 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (3 of 7) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Indiana... East Fork White River at Seymour. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... White River at Spencer. White River at Newberry. White River at Edwardsport. White River at Elliston. White River at Petersburg. .Multiple rounds of rainfall this week have produced enough runoff to bring minor flooding to some spots along area rivers, including Seymour on the East Fork White and Montezuma on the Wabash. Flooding on the Wabash and East Fork White is expected to be relatively short-lived this weekend, but additional flooding could develop next week with more rounds of rain possible. People with interests along area rivers should monitor updated forecasts and warnings. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Newberry. * WHEN...Until early Monday morning. * IMPACTS...At 15.0 feet, Most lowlands flood. A few inches of water on County Road 600 W just north of the river in Mary Long Cutoff Area. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:30 PM EDT Friday the stage was 13.4 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:30 PM EDT Friday was 13.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 14.5 feet tomorrow evening. It will then fall below flood stage Sunday afternoon. - Flood stage is 13.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (4 of 7) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Indiana... East Fork White River at Seymour. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... White River at Spencer. White River at Newberry. White River at Edwardsport. White River at Elliston. White River at Petersburg. .Multiple rounds of rainfall this week have produced enough runoff to bring minor flooding to some spots along area rivers, including Seymour on the East Fork White and Montezuma on the Wabash. Flooding on the Wabash and East Fork White is expected to be relatively short-lived this weekend, but additional flooding could develop next week with more rounds of rain possible. People with interests along area rivers should monitor updated forecasts and warnings. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...East Fork White River at Seymour. * WHEN...From Saturday evening to early Monday morning. * IMPACTS...At 12.0 feet, Significant agricultural lands begins to flood. High water affects some local roads. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:45 PM EDT Friday the stage was 8.5 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage tomorrow evening to a crest of 12.5 feet Sunday morning. It will then fall below flood stage Sunday afternoon. - Flood stage is 12.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (5 of 7) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Indiana... East Fork White River at Seymour. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... White River at Spencer. White River at Newberry. White River at Edwardsport. White River at Elliston. White River at Petersburg. .Multiple rounds of rainfall this week have produced enough runoff to bring minor flooding to some spots along area rivers, including Seymour on the East Fork White and Montezuma on the Wabash. Flooding on the Wabash and East Fork White is expected to be relatively short-lived this weekend, but additional flooding could develop next week with more rounds of rain possible. People with interests along area rivers should monitor updated forecasts and warnings. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Elliston. * WHEN...Until Monday morning. * IMPACTS...At 21.0 feet, Eastern portion of CR 100 S in Greene County floods leading to Plummer. Flooding covers all low bottomlands. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:15 AM EDT Friday the stage was 19.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:15 AM EDT Friday was 19.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 20.7 feet tomorrow evening. It will then fall below flood stage Sunday evening. - Flood stage is 18.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (6 of 7) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Indiana... East Fork White River at Seymour. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... White River at Spencer. White River at Newberry. White River at Edwardsport. White River at Elliston. White River at Petersburg. .Multiple rounds of rainfall this week have produced enough runoff to bring minor flooding to some spots along area rivers, including Seymour on the East Fork White and Montezuma on the Wabash. Flooding on the Wabash and East Fork White is expected to be relatively short-lived this weekend, but additional flooding could develop next week with more rounds of rain possible. People with interests along area rivers should monitor updated forecasts and warnings. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Edwardsport. * WHEN...Until early Tuesday morning. * IMPACTS...At 18.0 feet, Old Vincennes Road and State Road 358 in Daviess County and Schaefer Road in Knox County are impassable. High water affects agricultural bottomlands. During agricultural season this level is of concern to farmers on the unprotected areas along the river. High water affects river cabins. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:00 PM EDT Friday /6:00 PM CDT Friday/ the stage was 15.8 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 7:00 PM EDT Friday /6:00 PM CDT Friday/ was 15.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 17.8 feet Sunday morning. It will then fall below flood stage Monday afternoon. - Flood stage is 15.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (7 of 7) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Indiana... East Fork White River at Seymour. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Indiana... White River at Spencer. White River at Newberry. White River at Edwardsport. White River at Elliston. White River at Petersburg. .Multiple rounds of rainfall this week have produced enough runoff to bring minor flooding to some spots along area rivers, including Seymour on the East Fork White and Montezuma on the Wabash. Flooding on the Wabash and East Fork White is expected to be relatively short-lived this weekend, but additional flooding could develop next week with more rounds of rain possible. People with interests along area rivers should monitor updated forecasts and warnings. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Petersburg. * WHEN...From Saturday evening to Wednesday morning. * IMPACTS...At 19.0 feet, Low bottomlands flood and flooding begins on higher bottomlands. State Road 257 may begin to flood if Shoals gage reading is over 17 feet. Private levees may be overtopped in many cases. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:30 PM EDT Friday /7:30 PM CDT Friday/ the stage was 14.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage tomorrow evening to a crest of 18.6 feet Monday morning. It will then fall below flood stage Tuesday evening. - Flood stage is 16.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
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Indiana RACES Amateur Radio Repeaters

= On-Air      = Off-Air      = Testing/Reduced      = Unknown

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Offset Access Location County Call  Use Modes
29.6600 -0.1 MHz 110.9 / CSQ Greens Fork Wayne K9APR OPEN FM ON-AIR
29.6800 -0.1 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Bedford Lawrence N9UMJ OPEN FM EchoLink IRLP ON-AIR
53.0500 -1 MHz 123.0 / CSQ Angola, WLKI Steuben W9LKI OPEN FM ON-AIR
53.6300 -1 MHz CSQ / CSQ Paoli Orange WB9FHP OPEN FM OFF-AIR
145.1100 -0.6 MHz 88.5 / 88.5 Mooresville Morgan W9WWV OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.1500 -0.6 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Fort Branch Gibson KB9SGN OPEN FM OFF-AIR
145.1500 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / CSQ Huntington Huntington KB9UMI OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.1700 -0.6 MHz 77.0 / 77.0 Noblesville Hamilton K9EOC OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.1900 -0.6 MHz 107.2 / CSQ Leopold Perry KC9OBN OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.2300 -0.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Terre Haute Vigo W9SKI OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.2500 -0.6 MHz CC3 RAN 136.5 / 67.0 Lynnville Warrick W9KXP OPEN FM AllStar DMR DSTAR EchoLink IRLP NXDN Fusion WIRES-X ON-AIR
145.2700 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Columbia City, Parkview Whitley Hospital Whitley WC9AR OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.3100 -0.6 MHz 107.2 / CSQ Bedford Lawrence W9QYQ OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.3900 -0.6 MHz 118.8 / CSQ Linton Greene W9GCR OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.4000 -0.6 MHz CC1 NAC 293 141.3 / 141.3 Columbia City Whitley N9WNH OPEN FM DMR DSTAR P-25 Fusion Testing/Reduced
145.4100 -0.6 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Princeton Gibson KB9NEJ OPEN FM AllStar EchoLink IRLP WIRES-X OFF-AIR
145.4200 -0.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Bluffton Wells AB9HP OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.4200 -0.6 MHz 151.4 / 151.4 Center Point Clay N9CCA OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
145.4300 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Elkhart Elkhart K9DEW OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.4300 -0.6 MHz 136.5 / 136.5 Newburgh Warrick AE9OZ OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
145.4300 -0.6 MHz 103.5 / CSQ Seymour Jackson KC9JOY OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.4500 -0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 New Castle Henry NT9J OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.4700 -0.6 MHz 97.4 / CSQ Decatur Adams KB9KYM OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.4800 -0.6 MHz 88.5 / 88.5 Shelbyville, Drake Electric Shelby W9NTP OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
145.4800 -0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Winamac Pulaski KC9VBQ OPEN FM ON-AIR
145.4900 -0.6 MHz 127.3 / 127.3 Muncie Delaware W9DUK OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.6400 -0.6 MHz 136.5 / 136.5 Bloomington, Indiana University Monroe WB9TLH OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.6400 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Middlebury Elkhart K9DEW OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
146.6550 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Hartford City Blackford K9VND OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
146.6550 -0.6 MHz 103.5 / CSQ Salem Washington KB9KPG OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.6700 -0.6 MHz 91.5 / 91.5 Vincennes, Vincennes University Tower Knox W9EOC OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
146.7000 -0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Crown Point Lake W9EMA OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7150 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Columbia City Whitley K9BLU OPEN FM AllStar ON-AIR
146.7300 -0.6 MHz 127.3 / CSQ Muncie, Teachers College, Ball State Univerity Delaware WB9HXG OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7450 -0.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Connersville Fayette KB9RVR OPEN FM OFF-AIR
146.7600 -0.6 MHz 151.4 / 151.4 Indianapolis Marion K9LPW OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
146.7750 -0.6 MHz 103.5 / CSQ Corydon Harrison WD9HMH OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7750 -0.6 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Dugger Sullivan KC9AK OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7750 -0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Valparaiso Porter K9PC OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7900 -0.6 MHz 103.5 / 103.5 Columbus Bartholomew W9ALQ OPEN FM DSTAR ON-AIR
146.7900 -0.6 MHz 88.5 / 88.5 Evansville, State Police Post Vanderburgh W9OG OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.7900 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Marion Grant W9EBN OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8050 -0.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Napoleon Ripley KC9MBX OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8050 -0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Rochester Fulton KB9WSL OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
146.8050 -0.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Terre Haute, WTHI Radio Station Tower Vigo KC9SJJ OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8350 -0.6 MHz 151.4 Greenwood Johnson W9MID OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8650 -0.6 MHz 77.0 / 77.0 Hortonville Hamilton K9EOC OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
146.8800 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Fort Wayne, WANE-TV Tower Allen W9INX OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.8950 -0.6 MHz 97.4 / 97.4 Portland Jay WA9JAY OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
146.9100 -0.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Chrisney Spencer KC9FTG OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
146.9250 -0.6 MHz Paxton, Indiana Sullivan W9ILS OPEN FM AllStar EchoLink IRLP WIRES-X ON-AIR
146.9550 -0.6 MHz 146.2 / 146.2 Greensburg Decatur N9LQP OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.9550 -0.6 MHz 146.2 / CSQ Troy Perry W9KXP OPEN FM ON-AIR
146.9700 -0.6 MHz 97.4 / 97.4 Berne Adams KB9KYM OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
146.9850 -0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Warsaw Kosciusko K9DEW OPEN FM IRLP ON-AIR
147.0000 +0.6 MHz 107.2 / 107.2 Petersburg Pike W9UL OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.0000 +0.6 MHz 127.3 / CSQ Rushville Rush W9NTP OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.0300 +0.6 MHz 131.8 / CSQ Wabash, US 24 and IN 13 Wabash KB9LDZ OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
147.0600 +0.6 MHz 141.3 / CSQ Bluffton, County Courthouse Wells W9AYW OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.0750 +0.6 MHz 88.5 / CSQ Boonville Warrick KC9SOC OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.1500 +0.6 MHz 107.2 / 107.2 Evansville, Deaconess Hospital Vanderburgh W9OG OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
147.1500 +0.6 MHz 97.4 / 97.4 Ligonier Noble N9BCP OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.1800 +0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Angola Steuben KC9QDO OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.1800 +0.6 MHz 173.8 / 173.8 Logansport, EMA Building Cass W9VMW OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.1800 +0.6 MHz 82.5 / 82.5 Richmond, RP&L Tower Wayne KB9SJZ OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
147.1950 +0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Hammond Lake W9FXT OPEN FM OFF-AIR
147.1950 +0.6 MHz 107.2 / CSQ Jasper Dubois KB9LHX OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2250 +0.6 MHz 88.5 / CSQ Crawfordsville Montgomery KC9ZED OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2400 +0.6 MHz 103.5 / CSQ Bloomfield Greene W9HD OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2400 +0.6 MHz 173.8 / 173.8 Kokomo Howard W9KRC OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2400 +0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Saint John, Lake Central High School Lake W9LJ OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2550 +0.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Fort Wayne Allen W9INX OPEN FM Testing/Reduced
147.2850 +0.6 MHz 146.2 / CSQ Lawrenceburg Dearborn KB9GYO OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.2850 +0.6 MHz 107.2 / CSQ Loogootee Martin N9NGA OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.3150 +0.6 MHz 107.2 / CSQ Washington Daviess WA9IN OPEN FM ON-AIR
147.3300 +0.6 MHz RAN CSQ / CSQ Greencastle, Putnam County EOC Putnam WB9EOC OPEN FM NXDN Fusion ON-AIR
147.3450 +0.6 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Peru Miami K9ZEV OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
147.3750 +0.6 MHz 173.8 / 173.8 Kokomo Howard W9KRC OPEN FM EchoLink Fusion ON-AIR
147.3900 +0.6 MHz 127.3 / 127.3 New Castle Henry W9OB OPEN AllStar ON-AIR
147.3900 +0.6 MHz 131.8 / CSQ Princeton Gibson W9KXP OPEN FM Unknown status
223.9000 -1.6 MHz 141.3 / CSQ Columbia City Whitley K9BLU OPEN FM OFF-AIR
224.0000 -1.6 MHz 131.8 / CSQ Hammond Lake W9FXT OPEN FM ON-AIR
224.3600 -1.6 MHz 97.4 / CSQ Decatur Adams KB9KYM OPEN FM ON-AIR
224.4600 -1.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Versailes Ripley KC9MBX OPEN FM Unknown status
224.5400 -1.6 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Columbia City Whitley N9WNH OPEN FM ON-AIR
224.7400 -1.6 MHz 127.3 / CSQ Richmond, Reid Hospital Wayne KG9ND OPEN FM ON-AIR
224.8400 -1.6 MHz 146.2 / CSQ Logan Dearborn KB9GYO OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
224.8600 -1.6 MHz CSQ / CSQ Columbia City Whitley N9FGN OPEN FM ON-AIR
440.4750 +5 MHz 192.8 / CSQ South Bend Saint Joseph N9UPW OPEN FM ON-AIR
441.7500 +5 MHz Anderson Madison WA9EOC OPEN DSTAR OFF-AIR
441.8250 +5 MHz NAC 293 Muncie Delaware N9CZV OPEN P-25 ON-AIR
441.9000 +5 MHz CSQ / CSQ Alfordsville Daviess KC9QAG OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.0500 +5 MHz CSQ / CSQ Connersville Fayette N9TU OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.1750 +5 MHz 151.4 / CSQ Clinton Vermillion W9COD OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.2000 +5 MHz 97.4 / 97.4 Portland, North Water Tower Jay WA9JAY OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
442.2250 +5 MHz Greencastle Putnam WB9EOC OPEN Fusion ON-AIR
442.2500 +5 MHz RAN Bedford Lawrence N9UMJ OPEN EchoLink IRLP NXDN ON-AIR
442.2500 +5 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Valparaiso Porter K9PC OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.3000 +5 MHz 173.8 / 173.8 Kokomo Howard W9KRC OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.3250 +5 MHz 131.8 / CSQ Wabash, US 24 & IN 13 Wabash KB9LDZ OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.4000 +5 MHz 107.2 / CSQ Boonville Warrick KC9SOC OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.5000 +5 MHz 100.0 / 100.0 Indianapolis Marion W9EMO OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
442.5500 +5 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Columbia City Whitley N9WNH OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
442.6000 +5 MHz 127.3 / CSQ Rushville Rush W9NTP OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.7250 +5 MHz CSQ / CSQ Indianapolis Marion W9SEM OPEN FM OFF-AIR
442.7500 +5 MHz CC1 Marion Grant KB9CRA OPEN DMR ON-AIR
442.7500 +5 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Monroe City Knox W9KXP OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.9000 +5 MHz 67.0 / CSQ Clarksville Clark NA6Q OPEN FM ON-AIR
442.9000 +5 MHz 141.3 / CSQ Columbia City Whitley K9BLU OPEN FM OFF-AIR
442.9750 +5 MHz 103.5 / CSQ Scipio Jennings KC9TME OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.0250 +5 MHz 103.5 / 103.5 Edinburgh Shelby N9JWR OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.0500 +5 MHz 141.3 / CSQ Warsaw Kosciusko K9DEW OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.0750 +5 MHz 103.5 / CSQ Columbus, Carr Hill Bartholomew WB9AEP OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.1500 +5 MHz 77.0 / CSQ Lebanon Boone N9HLL CLOSED FM ON-AIR
443.1750 +5 MHz 131.8 / CSQ Peru Miami K9ZEV OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.2500 +5 MHz 146.2 / CSQ Evansville Vanderburgh W9KXP OPEN FM OFF-AIR
443.3500 +5 MHz 110.9 / 110.9 Anderson, Anderson Fire Training Center Tower Madison WA9CWE OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.4500 +5 MHz 127.3 / 127.3 Muncie Delaware K9NZF OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.4750 +5 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Elkhart Elkhart AA9JC OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.5250 +5 MHz Greenwood, Tower of White river twnsp FD Johnson W9MID OPEN Fusion ON-AIR
443.5500 +5 MHz 77.0 / 77.0 Noblesville Hamilton K9EOC OPEN FM IRLP ON-AIR
443.6750 +5 MHz 91.5 / 91.5 Vincennes, Hillcrest Park Knox W9EOC OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
443.6750 +5 MHz 88.5 / CSQ Williamsport Warren WB9ARC OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.7000 +5 MHz 131.8 / 131.8 Sharpsville Tipton K9TRC OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.7250 +5 MHz 103.5 / CSQ Seymour Jackson N9KPA OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.7750 +5 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Bloomington Monroe KB9SGN OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.8000 +5 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Fort Wayne, WANE-TV Tower Allen W9INX OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
443.8500 +5 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Lynnville Warrick W9KXP OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.8750 +5 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Bluffton Wells AB9HP OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.8750 +5 MHz 146.2 / CSQ Lawrenceburg Dearborn KB9GYO OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
443.9500 +5 MHz 77.0 / 77.0 Hortonville Hamilton K9EOC OPEN FM Fusion WIRES-X ON-AIR
444.1500 +5 MHz 167.9 / CSQ Evansville Vanderburgh AA9MM OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.2000 +5 MHz Warsaw Kosciusko K9CWD OPEN Fusion ON-AIR
444.3500 +5 MHz CSQ / CSQ Terre Haute Vigo W9SKI OPEN FM OFF-AIR
444.3750 +5 MHz 127.3 / 127.3 Muncie, Ball State University Delaware WB9HXG OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.4500 +5 MHz D465 / D465 Greenfield Hancock W9ATG OPEN FM OFF-AIR
444.5250 +5 MHz 146.2 / CSQ Greensburg Decatur N9LQL OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.5500 +5 MHz 141.3 / 141.3 Columbia City Whitley WC9AR OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.5500 +5 MHz 110.9 / 110.9 Richmond Wayne N9CZV OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.6750 +5 MHz 107.2 / CSQ Jasper Dubois N9MZF OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.7250 +5 MHz CSQ / CSQ Greenfield Hancock W9ATG OPEN FM OFF-AIR
444.9250 +5 MHz 136.5 / CSQ Salem Washington KB9SGN OPEN FM ON-AIR

The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for Indiana: AD0JA, KB9HUO, ND9C, W9KTL

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